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Many farmers in Northern Ghana, especially Women Small Holder Farmers (WSHFs) have been known to use grains or “farm-saved seed” from their previous harvest as seed for subsequent seasons. This has led to a significant reduction in yields due to low plant vigour, low germination, and even rampant disease infestations. The dwindling yields from farms as a result of the use of grains have ultimately led to low incomes for these farmers.
The use of #Certified(Quality) seeds, on the other hand, has immense benefits for farmers, including ensuring genetic and physical purity of the crops, ensuring more vigorous, fast-growing and pest and disease resistance conditions to a certain extent, and also ensuring uniform growth and maturity of crops. The use of #Certified seed has been shown to boost yields by up to 10–30%.
As the 2023 production season sets in fully, #URBANET, in collaboration with #MEDA under the GROW2 project and some selected market actors in the seed industry, is facilitating access to #Quality #Certified seeds (soybeans and groundnuts) for our #Clients in 7 districts of the Northern and Savannah regions through a Direct Price Discount Mechanism. This will hopefully boost the yields of our #Clients. The GROW2 project is funded by Global Affair Canada.

Access to information and practical knowledge on Good Agronomic Practices (GAPs) and Farm Business Management (FBM) practices is very critical for sustainable and inclusive development in agriculture, especially for Women Small Holder Farmers (WSHFs) who form the majority of farmers in Northern Ghana.
To address this constraint and boost productivity of WSHFs in Northern Ghana, GROWII Project conducted a two-day ToT for some selected Agricultural Extension Agents (AEAs) on Good Agronomic Practices (GAPs) and Farm Business Management (FBM) in 7 MMDAs under URBANET’s ZOI. The two-day training improved Agricultural Extension Agents (AEAs) knowledge on #Soybean and #Groundnut production and general Farm Business Management. A total 49 AEAs who received the ToT then cascaded the training to #203 Savings and Loan Groups (SLGs) comprised of a total of #5,075 clients (WSHFs).
GROWII is funded by the Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and implemented by MEDA in partnership with URBANET.